Line 8 Instructions

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Total combined child support costs

The total monthly amount of basic child support and additional child-care costs is automatically calculated by adding together the basic child support amount from line 5 and the combined additional child-rearing costs from line 7.

Note: Per line 5 instuctions, this credit applies to both normal and low income calculations. For low income calculations, however, the credit for overnight visition or custody is applied against only the obligor's low income basic support amount rather than the basic support amount calculated using the income of both parents.

(Checking the "Force normal line 11 credit" box, which appears in low income cases, forces the credit for overnight visitation or custody to be applied against the basic support amount calculated using the income of both parents. The Supreme Court's instructions are ambiguous concerning this calculation and forcing the full, original overnight credit against an already discounted support obligation may unreasonably reduce the support obligation of the paying parent. Use this option with caution.)